Welfare changes briefing and evaluation framework

This area contains analysis and research which details the potential impact to the Northern Ireland population and provides an evidence base for Welfare Changes.

Welfare Reform Research and Analysis

The first phase of Welfare Reform research with claimants took place between November 2017 and July 2018. Telephone surveys were conducted with claimants by staff from the Analytics Division on behalf of DfC. The following report and supporting data tables present findings on the experiences and attitudes of claimants with regards to the welfare changes. These findings provide a baseline for future research and form part of a wider ongoing evaluation of Welfare Reform by DfC.

Welfare Reform Information Booklets

A series of Welfare Reform Information Booklets containing analysis of specific policy measures can be found below as well as additional research on the benefit population of Northern Ireland. 

Additional Research

Welfare Reform Composite Evaluation Framework

A composite evaluation framework has been developed to measure the impact of the implementation of Welfare Reform in NI.  Underpinning this are project specific evaluation strategies that have been developed in order to measure the impact of each project.  The impact of the policies and their relevant mitigations will be evaluated at both the composite and project specific levels. The composite framework is detailed below alongside an accompanying document providing you with some further information.

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