Fuel poverty

A household is said to be in fuel poverty if it needs to spend more than 10 per cent of its income on energy costs.

What impacts fuel poverty?

The rate of fuel poverty in Northern Ireland is 22 per cent. There are three factors which impact on fuel poverty:

  • income
  • the cost of energy
  • the domestic energy efficiency of the home

Affordable Warmth Scheme

The Affordable Warmth Scheme is the Department for Communities scheme for addressing fuel poverty in the Private Sector. It is delivered across Northern Ireland on behalf of the Department by the Northern Ireland Housing Executive.

The Affordable Warmth Scheme is aimed at households in the Private Sector (in other words if you own your own home or rent from a Private Sector landlord) and have a total gross annual household income of less than £23,000. For further information on the scheme see the link below.

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