Private Rented Sector Landlord Newsletter no.22 - July 18

Part of: Private Rented Sector Landlord Newsletter

This edition contains important information about Landlord Registration renewal for the Landlord Registration Scheme.

Letting Agent fees charged to tenants - court ruling

Landlords may wish to make their Letting Agent aware of the outcome of a recent court case about letting agent fees. This case centred around The Disposals of Land (Northern Ireland) Order 1986 which is the responsibility of the Department of Finance.  

Landlord Advice

A pilot Landlord Advice line has been in operation since January 2017 and demand for the service has been growing. This free service is for Landlords who have registered with the Landlord Registration Scheme and callers must have their Landlords registration number to hand when making a call.

Landlord Advice is available between 9.30am - 2.30pm Monday to Friday;

CIH learning 2 let course schedule: July - December 2018

Want to become a better landlord who is fully compliant with all current regulations?

As a private landlord, it has never been more important for you to understand your legal obligations, as well as those of your tenant.

The Learning 2 let training programme is a level 2 CIH qualification developed specifically to meet the needs of registered private landlords just like you.

And because this programme is in receipt of bursary support from the Department for Communities (DfC), as a registered private landlord you can now undertake this practical 3-day training course for just £100. 

Where to book:

HMRC providing online help for unincorporated landlords

If you are a new unincorporated landlord or just need a refresher, HMRC has a selection of useful online help and support

HMRC’s online course, 'Letting out property'  provides guidance on property lettings, which you can refer to at any time. It explains the changes which introduced cash basis for landlords, the use of the mileage rate method for claiming motoring expenses and provides information on income tax relief on residential finance costs. It also explains how Capital Gains Tax affects you.

HMRC has launched the Small Business Forum for small businesses, the self-employed and landlords with income from property for individuals.

There are also live webinars which provide an overview on the tax treatment of income and expenses for renting out UK property.

Individuals with income from UK residential property.

No special equipment is needed, use the links to receive an invitation and connect using your desktop computer or any smart device. Use the on-screen textbox to ask questions and receive a response.

Details of guidance to support landlords can be found on the GOV.UK website. 

Remember it’s the law to protect your tenant’s deposit

If you have taken a deposit from your tenant since 1 April 2013, you must protect it with one of the approved scheme administrators. Deposits must be protected within 14 days of receipt and prescribed information must be sent to the tenant within 28 days.

Protecting your tenants deposit is straight forward –

  • Visit the websites of the 3 approved scheme administrators and decide which one is for you:
  • Decide on whether to use a custodial or insurance scheme:
    • Insurance – you pay a fee to the scheme administrator and you hold the deposit for the tenancy duration
    • Custodial – you lodge the deposit with the scheme administrator and it is held free of charge for the duration of the tenancy

Both types of scheme offer a free dispute resolution mechanism if there is a disagreement about the amount of deposit to be returned at the end of the tenancy.

If the council discover you broke the law, by not protecting a deposit, they can fine you up to three times the amount of the deposit. The council can also take you to court if you don't protect the deposit. The court might fine you up to £20,000.

For further information on the Tenancy Deposit scheme see nidirect.

Information and guidance nidirect

nidirect brings together lots of information from government departments and agencies. It provides information and services on many topics including buying, selling or renting a home, your neighbourhood, rates, building regulations, homelessness and evictions. 

For further information, visit

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