Consultation on proposals to protect pensions accrued in the Local Government Pension Scheme (Northern Ireland) for nursery assistants employed by the Education Authority (the five former education and library boards). Nursery assistants were subject to a job evaluation which led to a collective agreement on 27 March 2015 to change their conditioned working hours subject to protection of previous accrued pensions.
Consultation description
The Local Government Pension Scheme Regulations (Northern Ireland) provide for the benefits, contributions and membership of the pension scheme for employees in local government and other admitted bodies.
Following a job evaluation of nursery assistants employed by the Education Authority (the 5 former education and library boards), a collective agreement was reached to change their conditioned hours, subject to the protection of previous accrued pensions.
The draft Local Government Pension Scheme (Nursery Assistants) (Amendment) (NI) 2016 amends the Local Government Pension Scheme Regulations (Northern Ireland) to give effect to this pension protection arrangement. This consultation seeks comments on these Regulations.
Ways to respond
Consultation closed — responses are no longer being accepted.