Queen's Quay Pre-Application Community Consultation

Consultation opened on 07 December 2021. Closing date 31 January 2022.


The Department for Communities (DfC), in conjunction with Tetra Tech Consulting (NI) Ltd and Hamilton Architects Ltd, are currently in the process of developing plans for the redevelopment of lands at Queen's Quay and Middlepath Street, Belfast.

It is intended to apply for outline planning permission in the future to provide a mixed-use redevelopment for these lands. DfC, as landowner, has a responsibility to ensure that this area is redeveloped as an asset for the people of Belfast.

As part of this process, it is now seeking to undertake Pre-Application Community Consultation as part of the planning process.


Consultation description

DfC, in conjunction with Tetra Tech Consulting (NI) Ltd and Hamilton Architects Ltd are currently in the process of developing plans for the redevelopment of lands at Queens Quay and Middlepath Street, Belfast.

Queen’s Quay is a prominent, but underutilised, portion of lands located on the eastern bank of the River Lagan. The site is bisected by the A2 Middlepath Street, providing a northern portion which can be accessed by the Lagan Weir footbridge, and a southern portion, which is currently utilised as a surface level public car park.  Queen’s Bridge and Bridge End are located to the south of the site, with Station Street and Station Street flyover located to, and defining, the eastern boundaries.  The Lagan Bridge/M3 flyover is located to the immediate north of the site with the River Lagan to the west. 

In 2013, the site was subject of a DfC Masterplan entitled ‘Queen’s Quay Belfast Masterplan’.  It identified that these Queen’s Quay lands form a crucial nodal point in regeneration terms, as they provide a key connection between Belfast City Centre and developments on the eastern side of the River Lagan, including the SSE Arena, and Titanic Quarter, and proposed redevelopment scheme(s) at Sirocco Quay.  The Lagan Weir footbridge provides connection towards Belfast Quays. 

The site provides a strategic gateway location in the heart of Belfast and is near several key adjacent developments and development sites.

DfC also own land to the east comprising of the existing car park at Middlepath Street which is to form part of the future redevelopment proposals.

It is intended to apply for outline planning permission in the future for the following proposed development:

“Mixed-Use Development comprising: residential apartments and associated communal space (including gym, games room, library/lounges, media room, BBQ roof terrace areas, work spaces and meeting rooms); Grade A office space; general office space; own door office space; shops (local convenience and general); food and beverage space (restaurants, cafes, hot food bars, public houses); leisure and/or community and cultural and/or indoor/outdoor recreation activity accommodation space; an hotel; landscaped roof terrace areas for private and semi-public use; demolition of existing Station Street flyover; creation of public realm area incorporating infrastructure for outdoor recreation activities; landscaping; associated roads and access works; basement and ground floor car parking; indoor and outdoor cycle parking and all associated site works, infrastructure and associated services on land east of the River Lagan at Queen’s Quay (lands south of Lagan Bridge/M3 flyover and north of Queen’s Bridge), Belfast; and provision of a social/affordable housing scheme; landscaping; associated roads and access works; basement, ground, first and second floor car parking; indoor and outdoor cycle parking and all associated site works, infrastructure and associated services on lands between Middlepath Street and Bridge End and east of Railway Line, Belfast”.


As part of the planning process, DfC is now undertaking Pre Application Community Consultation (‘PACC’) and wish to formally invite members of the public and interested parties to view the ‘Online Public Consultation Exhibit’ on the proposed development, which will be accessible via the DfC website from Tuesday 7 December 2021 to Monday 31 January 2022

Those persons accessing the ‘Online Public Consultation Exhibit’ will be able to view and comment on the proposed development using the website’s email facility.

‘Virtual Consultation Clinics’ will also be held via online webinars on Tuesday 14 December 2021 and Thursday 16 December 2021 between 7.30pm and 8.30pm on both dates.

The Virtual Consultation Clinics will be facilitated via webinars at which members of the design team will present and talk through details of the proposed development and respond to any question’s attendees may have. The information which will be presented and discussed at these Virtual Consultation Clinics will be the information that will be available on the Online Public Consultation Exhibit.

Registration for the virtual consultation clinics is required in advance and should be obtained by emailing your request by 5pm on Friday 10 December 2021 to michael.graham@tetratech.com.

Details and further information can be obtained from, and comments can also be made direct to: Tetra Tech Consulting (NI) Ltd and Hamilton Architects until close of business (5pm) on Monday 31 January 2022 via the methods detailed below.

Following analysis of the responses received, DfC in conjunction with its design team will prepare a PACC report, which will outline feedback and responses received from the consultation process and how this has been addressed in arriving at the final design of the proposed development. The report will be submitted with and form part of any future planning application.

DfC intends to engage directly with stakeholders through virtual meetings and the online public consultation exhibit during the consultation period.

If you would prefer not to use the online response form, a downloadable consultation response form can be accessed in the Microsoft Word document above. Responses prepared in this format should be sent to the email or postal address provided within the document.

Please note that any comments made to DfC, Tetra Tech Consulting (NI) Ltd or Hamilton Architects in respect of the proposals are not representations to the local planning authority.  If a planning application is subsequently submitted to the local planning authority of Belfast City Council, public advertisement and neighbour notification will be undertaken at that juncture and you will have the opportunity to make a formal representation to the planning application at that time.

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