Givan launches Voluntary and Community ‘State of the Sector’ report

Date published: 28 September 2016

Communities Minister, Paul Givan MLA, today launched the ‘State of the Sector’ report compiled by the Northern Ireland Council for Voluntary Action (NICVA).

NICVA’s report provides an overview of the scale and characteristics of Northern Ireland's voluntary, community and social enterprise sector and looks at the varied and dynamic environment within which it operates.  

Launching the report in Belfast today, Minister Givan said: “I welcome this important piece of research. In these challenging times it is important for those of us in Government to clearly understand the significant contribution and opportunities of the voluntary and community sector.

“I see an important part of my Ministerial role as ‘championing’ the good work being taken forward by the sector across the Executive. Working collaboratively to help realise the desired outcomes within the Programme for Government over the period 2017 to 2021 will make Northern Ireland a better place to live, work and visit. Strengthening our communities and supporting the diversity of talent, skills and culture they nurture will also help to make Northern Ireland an attractive place to invest.”

The Minister continued: “Volunteering in Northern Ireland as clearly evidenced in the ‘State of the Sector’ report is vitally important within our communities. Volunteers give hundreds of thousands of hours of their free time every year.  I believe it is essential that we continue to nurture the capacity and capability that exists, making it easier for people to donate their time and skills towards helping activities that will benefit local communities and wider society.”

As part of the Fresh Start Agreement, the Northern Ireland Executive agreed to fund the recommendations of the Welfare Reform Mitigations Working Group Report to mitigate the impact of Welfare Reform. The Report recommended that additional independent advice services should be put in place to help and support customers through the transitional period of Welfare Reform.  The Executive made a commitment to provide £8million funding over four years to provide the additional services.

Referring to the advice services, the Minister added: “In terms of delivering such support for advice I am pleased to state that my Department is finalising arrangements with regional advice organisations to provide additional for frontline advice organisations from 1 October 2016.

“This financial support will enable the Citizens Advice Bureau, Advice NI and the Law Centre NI to provide additional advice services to assist the general public through the implementation of the ongoing changes to the welfare system.”

Concluding the Minister said: “I would like to acknowledge the enormous contribution made by the voluntary, community and advice sectors to our society and hope that I have reassured the sector of my commitment in continuing to work in partnership with them to help those most in need.”

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