Hargey to progress Irish and Ulster Scots strategies

Date published: 26 June 2021

Communities Minister Deirdre Hargey has announced work is to commence on the development of an Irish Language Strategy and an Ulster Scots Language, Heritage and Culture Strategy.

Judicial Mediation
Judicial Mediation

The Minister advised the Executive that her department is to proceed with the work of the Expert Advisory Panels.

She said: “I am pleased that work is now underway on these new Irish Language and Ulster Scots Language, Heritage and Culture Strategies.  

“Wider consultation will take place towards ensuring that the strategies meet community need and my officials will engage with all other Departments.

“To help in this process I have established Expert Advisory Panels to bring together a wide range of academic and community experience in shaping the strategies, which will fulfil the commitments in the New Decade, New Approach agreement.” 

The Minister has announced that she intends to establish a further two groups to support, advise and work alongside the Department in developing and producing each of the strategies:

  • a Strategy Co-Design Group (to advise on the development and content of the draft Strategy and its supporting action plan); and 
  • a Cross-Departmental Working Group (to discuss and agree the content of the action plan that will sit alongside the new Strategy ensuring that the goals set out in the Strategies will be delivered).

The strategies will fulfil the commitments in New Decade, New Approach and will align with the Executive’s Programme for Government. 

Notes to editors: 

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