Líofa Gaeltacht Bursary Scheme opens

Date published: 08 January 2019


The Department for Communities today announced that the 2019 Líofa Gaeltacht Bursary Scheme is open for applications.

2019 Líofa Gaeltacht Bursary Scheme

The Gaeltacht provides attendees with an opportunity to immerse themselves in an Irish speaking community, increase their knowledge and use of Irish through attending classes, and taking part in a wide range of cultural activities including sport and music through the medium of Irish.

The Gaeltacht Bursary Scheme is open to students whose parents are in receipt of a means-tested benefit, or adult learners in receipt of one of the qualifying benefits, who are resident in Northern Ireland. As demand for the bursary - which averages at a cost of £500 per student and includes accommodation and tuition - is very high, preference is given to those adults or students who have not previously received a bursary and who meet the criteria set out in the application form.

Application forms can be downloaded from the CommunitiesNI website or by contacting Líofa directly on 028 9051 5058. The scheme will close on the 5 March and successful applicants will be notified in March 2019.

Since the scheme was launched, 1,984 applications have been received and 675 bursaries have been awarded.

Notes to editors: 

  1. The Líofa Gaeltacht Bursary Scheme was launched in 2012
  2. The average number of bursaries issued is 100 per annum at cost of £50,000
  3. Media enquiries to DfC Press Office on 028 9082 3505 or email: press.office@communities-ni.gov.uk. Out of office hours please contact the Duty Press Officer on 028 9037 8110
  4. Follow us on twitter @CommunitiesNI

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