Significant £1.3m Strabane Greenway up and running to the public

Date published: 04 June 2021

A 3.7km greenway has been completed in Strabane providing a high quality route for pedestrians and cyclists throughout the town.

Significant £1.3m Strabane Greenway up and running to the public
Significant £1.3m Strabane Greenway up and running to the public

The greenway provides an alternative non- vehicular mode of travel to shops, workplaces and schools within Strabane and to the neighbouring town of Lifford.  

The £1.292m project was funded by the Department for Communities (£729k), Derry City & Strabane District Council (£509k) and the Department for Infrastructure (£54k).

Communities Minister Deirdre Hargey said:

“This investment from my Department of £729,000 has provided a welcome addition and improvement to the greenway network in Strabane. 

“The physical and visual improvements have not only enhanced the image of the area, but more importantly connected communities and improved accessibility.  It is now a vibrant area where all people are welcome, feel safe and can travel sustainably, offering everyone an inexpensive place for regular exercise.  It is also helping to generate economic activity and contribute to the recovery of our town centres by providing an access route for many to use to support local traders as we move out of lockdown in a safe and controlled way.

“It is great that the greenway is now complete and can be enjoyed by all in the local community for years to come.”

The route eases access to the SCORE site, the new Strabane Academy, the North West Regional College and Derry City and Strabane District Council offices and the town centre.

Mayor of Derry City and Strabane District, Councillor Brian Tierney, said:

"During the pandemic we have seen a huge surge in outdoor exercise and more and more people seeking the respite of our walkways and green spaces. By creating new and enhanced infrastructure and improving access to these areas I hope that focus on outdoor exercise will continue and that more people will choose greener alternatives to road transport as things return to normal.

"I want to thank the Minister for her commitment to improving the health and wellbeing of local people by supporting the delivery of greenways and scenic spaces that are accessible and appealing to people of all ages and abilities."

Infrastructure Minister Mallon said:

“I am committed to improving active travel and am delighted that my Department was able to contribute £54,000 towards the Strabane Greenway.  The Covid pandemic has made us all think about how we travel and this project will give the people of Strabane greater opportunity to walk, wheel and cycle safely whether they are travelling to work, to shop or for leisure purposes. I am also looking forward to the progression of the further phases of the North West Greenway Network project which my Department has also provided support to through the INTERREG VA Programme.

“This is our chance for change and I am committed to working in partnership across Government and with local communities to transform our spaces to ensure we focus on the needs of people, our environment and our economy. Greenways are key to our green recovery. They improve our physical and mental wellbeing, they better connect communities and help us travel in a more sustainable way, helping to tackle the climate crisis and protect our environment; a win win for everyone.”

The Strabane Greenway project will also link into the wider Strabane – Lifford Greenway route enhancing links between communities on both sides of the border.  This forms part of the wider EU-INTERREGVA funded North West Greenway Network (NWGN) which will provide greenways for Strabane / Lifford, Derry/ Muff and Derry/ Buncrana.

Notes to editors: 

The greenway runs along the A5, Derry Road, Canal Basin, River Mourne Flood Wall  to the Strabane Retail Park and links with the new Lifford Greenway which is also nearing completion.    

2.    The project was managed by Derry City and Strabane District Council who appointed Fox Contracts Ltd Omagh to complete the construction works.

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