Further public realm completed in Limavady town centre

Date published: 15 June 2018

Improvements to Lower Main Street, Limavady, following a further £150,000 investment from the Department for Communities (DfC) have now completed.

The improvements included new pathways, street lighting, railings and street furniture. It follows similar public realm schemes at Irish Green Street and Connell Street and brings the investment from DfC in Limavady town centre streetscape works to over £520,000 over the last two years.

Director of the Department for Communities North West Development Office, Damian Mulholland said: “I am delighted to announce the completion of this project in the core of Limavady’s commercial area. The upgrading of this gateway into Limavady will complement previous public realm works funded by the Department and is part of our ongoing commitment to the regeneration of the town centre.”

Works included the renewal of footways using high quality concrete paviors to match previously completed works. LED energy efficient lanterns were also fitted and existing lighting columns were re-painted. In addition new street furniture was provided and wooden railings were replaced with more durable steel railings.

Work continues on the £300,000 revitalisation scheme in the town to improve shop frontages.

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