Inishmacsaint Church and Cross
Inishmacsaint Island, Lower Lough Erne
BT93 6HY
United Kingdom
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About Inishmacsaint Church and Cross
St Ninnid founded a church here in the 6th century, and the site was later used for the parish church and graveyard, being abandoned for the mainland only in the 18th century. The ruined church is of two main periods: the west end represents a small pre-Romanesque church of perhaps the 10th or 11th century, with a blocked west door, and the east end is an extension dating from around 1200, with a small south window altered in the 15th century. South-west of the church is a tall unringed cross, the head separately worked and attached to the shaft by a mortice and tenon joint. The cross is plain except for slight traces of panels on the head and it is very difficult todate. A pre 12th-century date is possible but not certain.
Please note that access is from the lough via the jetty only. The route from the mainland to the island is not an established public footpath, and involves crossing private land in agricultural use.
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