Culture, languages, arts and heritage support programme 2020-2021

Date published: 16 November 2020

The Communities Minister is making almost £35million of funding available to support the culture, language, arts and heritage sectors which have been impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. £33m of this was allocated to the Department of Communities by the Executive from Covid-19 support funds.

This money is being delivered through a range of funds, some of which are targeted to support sectoral organisations and individuals, and others which will provide funding to community organisations to deliver culture, languages, arts and heritage projects. You can see an overview of each of the funds, who can apply and when on the document below.

This Programme of support is designed to stabilise these sectors and secure a future which is representative of their spread, diversity and reach prior to the pandemic. It aims to allow the re-emergence of our local culture, languages, arts, creative industries and heritage in a stronger and more sustainable position than before, ready to adapt to new challenges and with a greater capacity to contribute to social renewal, anti-poverty, exclusion and isolation.

Culture, indigenous languages, the arts, creative industries and heritage all play a central role in supporting people, building communities and shaping places. So the Programme will also support new projects, new partnerships and new creative activity to reanimate our spaces, places and lives.

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