Practical Completion Stage - Tariff Schemes Band 3

When Practical Completion stage has been reached and costs need to be recovered, the proportion of the costs represented by the grant rate for the scheme must be forwarded to NIHE.

Practical Completion is deemed to have occurred when the building contract or phase of the building contract has reached Practical Completion. The Association must follow the instructions set out in Table 12: Practical Completion Stage Tariff Schemes Bands 3 & 4.

For more information on Grant Timetable.

Recoverable costs post practical completion

  • Where, following a final grant claim, the Association is able to recover costs as the result of a claim by or against a third party, that proportion of the costs represented by the grant rate for the scheme must be forwarded to NIHE (DPG).
  • Also, following a final grant claim, where estimated costs are significantly higher than actual out-turn costs the Association must contact NIHE (DPG) to seek advice on any requirement in respect of the repayment of HAG.
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