Children and Adult Safeguarding Guidance for DfC sponsored Arms Length Bodies

Date published: 13 April 2018

Last updated: 27 February 2023

This guidance has been prepared by the Department for Communities. It is intended to inform DfC sponsored Arms Length Bodies (ALB) and staff of their responsibilities under child protection and adults at risk legislation and point them to further sources of information and advice should they need it.

The guidance outlines the principles of safeguarding and provides advice about what to do if abuse or neglect is suspected. ALBs will want to develop supplementary and additional situational specific guidance using this document as a basis.

The safeguarding checklist is for use by those Departmental business areas with sponsorship responsibility for an Arm’s Length Body. Safeguarding should be an agenda item at accountability meetings and will include the completion of the safeguarding checklist on an annual basis.

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