Development and delivery of a new intermediate rent policy and model - screening

Date published: 18 October 2021


Evidence collated by the Department for Communities indicates that an increase in affordable homes for rent is required within the Northern Ireland Housing market.

The most recent data published by the Department, DfC Housing Statistics indicated that at March 2020 some 38,745 households were on the Common Waiting list, however more recent data received form NIHE (at December 2020) indicates that this has risen to 42,665 households, seeking to be allocated a social rented home, with 29,918 of these households deemed to be in housing stress (meaning that they have been awarded 30 or more points on the social housing selection scheme).

Exisiting/Revised/New: New
Date of Screening: 18/10/2021
Screening Outcome - Full EQIA recommended: No

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