Housing Market Symposium Report

Date published: 30 January 2018

This report represents the outcome of work undertaken by the Housing Market Symposium established in January 2017 by the Department for Communities in response to a key indicator contained in Northern Ireland’s draft Programme for Government 2016-21: “the gap between the number of houses we need and the number of houses we have”.

Please note that a correction has been made to the Housing Market Symposium Report published on 31 January 2018.   This was following the identification of an error within Paragraph 5 of the ‘Key Messages’ section of the Report in relation to the Symposium’s proposals on requirements for additional dwellings over the remaining period of the Regional Development Strategy HGI estimate.  Specifically, the Report published on 31 January 2018 stated:  ‘there has effectively been an undersupply that roughly equates to a requirement for an additional 2,000 dwellings annually (over and above the 7,200) over the remaining period of the Regional Development Strategy HGI estimate (i.e. to 2025)’.  However, this was an error as the Symposium findings were that: ‘there has effectively been an undersupply that roughly equates to a requirement for an additional 2,000 dwellings annually (over and above that currently being built) over the remaining period of the Regional Development Strategy HGI estimate (i.e. to 2025)’.  This correction has been now been made.

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