Motorsport Taskforce Report

Date published: 27 June 2019


The Motorsport Taskforce was established by the Minister for Communities, Paul Givan MLA, in January 2017 with the appointment of Ian Paisley, MP as the Chair.

The terms of reference for the Taskforce were set out as follows:

  • To examine the potential contribution of motorsport to Northern Ireland in the context of it being a culturally significant sport
  • To determine how motorsport can best address the issues of:
    • Sports development
    • Safety
    • Marketing
    • Contribution to tourism
  • To engage as widely as possible with all those who have an interest in the sport to inform the findings of the Taskforce
  • To develop an Action Plan to ensure that the potential of motorsport, in all aspects, is maximised

The findings of the Taskforce are contained in the report and Executive Summary

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