The Private Tenancies Act (Northern Ireland) 2022 - A Guide to Sections 1-6 for Tenants and Landlords

Date published: 01 March 2023

Last updated: 20 April 2023


On 1 April 2023 Sections 1-6 of the Private Tenancies Act (Northern Ireland) 2022 will come into operation.

The introduction of this new legislation  provides greater protections for those living in the Private Rented Sector. 

New requirements for landlords include providing tenants with a free notice containing tenancy information.  This includes for current tenants who have not already received this type of tenancy information.  Landlords must also provide tenants with a notice of variation when any changes are made to their tenancies and must provide receipts to tenants for any cash payments relating to their tenancy.

Tenants can no longer be asked to pay a tenancy deposit of more than one month’s rent and the time a landlord has to protect a tenancy deposit and provide the required information to a tenant has increased. Offences relating to protecting tenancy deposits have been made continuing offences so even if a tenant only realises at the end of the tenancy that their tenancy deposit should have been protected but wasn’t the landlord can still face a penalty.

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