Second Independent Review of the PIP Assessment Process in Northern Ireland - report and response

Date published: 11 December 2020

Last updated: 27 May 2021

The Welfare Reform (Northern Ireland) Order 2015 states that the Department for Communities (DfC) must lay before the Northern Ireland Assembly, two Independent Reviews on the operation of Personal Independence Payment (PIP) Assessments.  The first Independent Review was published in June 2018

You can find details of this First Review and the Department's response on this website.

The Department for Communities commissioned Marie Cavanagh to undertake the Second Independent Review of how the Personal Independence Payment (PIP) assessment is working in Northern Ireland.

The Call for Evidence was aimed at organisations and individuals who have information relevant to how the PIP assessment is operating for new claims, award reviews and change of circumstances.

Evidence was submitted by over 300 respondents and was used to inform the final independent report which was laid in the Northern Ireland Assembly on 11 December 2020.

British Sign Language (BSL) and Irish Sign Language (ISL) videos detailing the report's executive summary are available below.

British Sign Language (BSL) and Irish Sign Language (ISL) videos detailing the Department's response to the report are available below.

The Department’s response is also available as a webpage.

Alternative formats of the report are available on request.

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