The Universal Credit (Administrative Earnings Threshold) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2023 - screening

Date published: 12 January 2023

It is the policy intent of Universal Credit (UC) to not only support out of work claimants to move into employment, but also to support working claimants who are in receipt of UC to progress and increase their wages thus reducing their reliance on UC.

There are two earnings thresholds within UC, namely, the “Administrative Earnings Threshold” (AET) and the “Conditionality Earnings Threshold” (CET).

Those claimants earning below the AET are placed in the ‘Intensive Work Search’ group where full conditionality requirements apply and they have regular interaction with a Work Coach.

Existing/Revised/New: Revised
Date of screening: 12/01/2023
Screening Outcome - Full EQIA recommended: No

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