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165 publications

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The Belfast city centre – Westside regeneration masterplan constitutes proposed supplementary guidance to the Department’s Regeneration Policy Statement for Belfast city centre.

Published 15 September 2009Development plan/framework

The report sets out the Behavioural Insight Team’s proposals about what could be done to stimulate early engagement from borrowers woth mortgage debt.

Published 19 May 2015Policy papers

This impact assessment considers three private pensions policy areas: consolidation of the disclosure of information regulations; a review of Statutory Money Purchase Illustrations (SMPIs); and extending the current provisions which allow private pension schemes to communicate

Published 20 July 2015Impact assessments

This policy aims to support the advancement of Irish language communities by facilitating wider access to Irish language opportunities, experiences, and services.  Groups can apply for up to 100% of the purchase price/capital build costs/renovation costs for facilities wh

Published 21 December 2022Legislation and regulations

This position statement sets out Historic Environment Division’s objectives in conserving the marine heritage of Northern Ireland and how it aims to meet its obligations under UK historic environment legislation and policy and associated international conventions.

Published 07 April 2020Corporate reports

The core purpose of the Office of the Social Fund Commissioner (OSFC) is to deliver independent reviews of discretionary Social Fund decisions made in the Agency.

Published 21 November 2013Financial plans and reports

The core purpose of the Office of the Social Fund Commissioner (OSFC) is to deliver independent reviews of discretionary Social Fund decisions made in the Social Security Agency.

Published 17 December 2014Financial plans and reports

The core purpose of the Office of the Social Fund Commissioner (OSFC) is to deliver independent reviews of discretionary Social Fund decisions made in the Social Security Agency.

Published 17 December 2015Corporate reports

The core purpose of the Office of the Social Fund Commissioner (OSFC) is to deliver independent reviews of discretionary Social Fund decisions made in the Social Security Agency.

Published 28 October 2016Corporate reports

A composite evaluation framework has been developed to measure the impact of the implementation of Welfare Reform in NI.  Underpinning this are project specific evaluation strategies that have been developed in order to measure the impact of each project.  The impact

Published 10 January 2017Development plan/framework

The core purpose of the Office of the Social Fund Commissioner (OSFC) is to deliver independent reviews of discretionary Social Fund decisions made in the Social Security Agency.

Published 09 March 2018Corporate reports

The Communities Minister gave a Direction for officials to put a process in place for staff working within the Supporting People and Homelessness sectors to receive an offer of a one-off £500 recognition payment, similar to that being made to medical and health care staf

Published 08 December 2021Legislation and regulations

The ranking of economic projects can be relatively easily determined using a range of quantitative economic measures, but estimating the anticipated impact of arts, heritage, sports and community projects - cultural projects - is more challenging.

Published 08 February 2024Research and analysis

The Derry Walls Conservation Plan – edition 2 explains why the Walls are important and sets out policies, agreed with a wide group of stakeholders, to manage the monument into the future.

Published 03 December 2015Development plan/framework

The Licensing and Registration of Clubs (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 2021 (the Act) amends the Licensing (Northern Ireland) Order 1996 to allow local producers of alcoholic drinks to apply to the court for a liquor licence.

Published 25 March 2022Legislation and regulations

Equality Impact Assessments (EQIA) carried out on the proposals within the Northern Ireland Welfare Reform Bill 2011 to assess whether policy proposals would have a differential impact and in particular, an adverse differential impact on the categories of persons listed in sec

Published 25 November 2015Impact assessments

As part of the Department’s work to implement Fresh Start policy the DfC Fresh Start team is working with Shantallow Community Residents Association (SCRA), to deliver a programme which aims to reduce antisocial behaviour, violence, crime and lawlessness associated with

Published 17 August 2021Development plan/framework

The (budget) policy is trying to meet the challenge of the Department operating within their current spending limits while delivering services and meeting objectives.

Published 06 January 2023Legislation and regulations

Childcare costs have increased significantly in recent years and can form a real barrier to work for parents.

Published 07 June 2023Legislation and regulations

The Department for Communities (DfC) and the Northern Ireland Federation of Housing Associations (NIFHA) have collaboratively produced and published this thinkpiece.

Published 11 June 2018Independent reports

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