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2098 publications

This document outlines the Northern Ireland specific impacts of the Summer Budget 2015 policies for benefit claimants in Northern Ireland (including Tax Credit claimants).

Published 28 September 2015Financial plans and reports

Local government circular LG 27/15 - Qualifying condition for a smaller local government body

Published 28 September 2015Circulars

This page contains the current gender equality strategy along with an associated review and relevant statistics.

Published 16 September 2015Policy papers

The Government’s Statistical service has specifically developed a framework on quality measurement and reporting based on guidance from the Office for National Statistics.

Published 15 September 2015Consultation reports

The reforms to the State Pension system are intended to provide a better foundation for saving and ensure the system is sustainable for future generations. The proposals build on reforms introduced by the 2012 Act and the 2008 Act.

Published 08 September 2015Impact assessments

A regulatory impact assessment relating to charges in defined contribution workplace pension schemes.  Changes to charges will: protect pension scheme members from high or unfair charges; ensure those running workplace pension schemes have the tools to act in members&rsqu

Published 02 September 2015Impact assessments

A regulatory impact assessment relating to the introduction of minimum governance standards in defined contribution trust-based workplace pension schemes.  These standards will ensure good retirement outcomes for savers and build confidence in the workplace pensions indus

Published 02 September 2015Impact assessments

This report details the Agency's performance against service improvements and targets.These accounts are presented to comply with a direction issued by the Department of Finance and Personnel (DFP) in accordance with section 11(3) of the Government Resources and Accounts A

Published 27 August 2015Corporate reports

This is the thirteenth and final report on the standard of decision making by the department.

Published 27 August 2015Corporate reports

The Benefits Statistics Summary is released quarterly in the last week of February, May, August and November.

Published 26 August 2015Statistical reports

The Ministerial Advisory Group for Architecture and the Built Environment response to the Mid-Ulster District Council consultation – Draft Statement of Community Involvement – Mid Ulster Local Development Plan 2030.

Published 24 August 2015Consultation reports

This flowchart shows the official listing process for historic buildings in Northern Ireland. It summarises all the steps that are involved in the listing process from start to finish and who’s involved at each stage.

Published 20 August 2015Guidance literature

Monthly updates and key information on the progress of the social housing reform programme.

Published 17 August 2015Policy papers

Anecdotal evidence, together with recent media reports, points towards
a rise in the number of food banks and people using them in Northern

Published 17 August 2015Statistical reports

Definition of subsiduaries

Published 11 August 2015Guidance literature

The Project Assessment Review was commissioned by the Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure (DCAL) to examine the Department’s Stadia Programme.

Published 07 August 2015Corporate reports

Information relating to the achievements of the Ministerial Advisory Group Ulster Scots Academy since its appointment in March 2011.

Published 04 August 2015Promotional material

Summary evaluation report based on evaluations submitted by councils regarding Community Festivals Fund outcomes.

Published 03 August 2015Corporate reports

List of forms included in the Calculating Grant Guide

Published 31 July 2015Guidance literature

The Northern Ireland Housing Bulletin is a quarterly bulletin containing information on new housing starts and completions, homelessness, the Residential Property Price Index and new house sales and prices.

Published 30 July 2015Statistical reports

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