Suspension of “Client Group Analysis” statistics in the Northern Ireland Benefits Statistics Summary publication

Date: 18 August 2020
Coverage: Northern Ireland
Theme: Welfare

Client Group Analysis

The purpose of this notice is to notify users of the suspension of the “Client Group Analysis” series of statistics from the Northern Ireland Benefit Statistics Summary publication. These statistics will be resumed once a method of incorporating Universal Credit data into the analysis has been assessed as suitably robust.

The suspension will take effect from the May 2020 publication, which is scheduled for release on 26th August 2020, until further notice. The statistics on individual benefits are not affected and the Universal Credit statistical bulletin and supplementary tables will continue to be made available as normal.

National Statistics Status

The remaining statistics in the publication (with the exception of Personal Independence Payment and Universal Credit) continue to be designated as National Statistics.

Personal Independence Payment and Universal Credit statistics are designated as Experimental Statistics.

Any questions or comments should be addressed to Analytics Division.


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