Tigers Bay & Mountcollyer forum update - March 2021

Updates below are the most up to date positions advised to BSC.  However, it should be noted that things are fast moving, and timescales may slip/change due to the current health emergency.

Catalyst Projects

Halliday’s Road (Social Housing - Apex Housing Association)

This scheme was completed and allocated in October 2017.

Hogarth Street (Social Housing - Apex Housing Association)

All 20 houses are complete and handed over.

Alexandra Park Avenue/Gainsborough Sites (Private Housing – Bluehouse Developments)

Bluehouse Developments submitted planning applications for 79 units across six sites in April/May 2019. 

Planning permission has been granted for 7 townhouses at North Queen St/Alexandra Park Ave; 3 townhouses at Esther Street/APA; 2 semi-detached dwellings and 3 townhouses at Brantwood St/APA and 6 detached dwellings, 4 semi-detached dwellings and 4 apartments/maisonettes at Glencollyer.

Gainsborough Drive site (28 semi-detached dwellings) LA04/2019/1104/F – Planning approval originally anticipated November 2020 (now delayed).

Alexandra Park site (22 dwellings) LA04/2019/1103/F – Planning approval originally anticipated November 2020 (now delayed).

Following representations by Bluehouse Developments in March 2020 with regard to delays in obtaining planning approval on the Gainsborough and Alexandra Park sites, the NIHE agreed to a 12 month extension on the original development milestones.  On site development for these sites is now anticipated to commence in May 2022 however Bluehouse hope to start on the Glencollyer site in March 2021.

Mileriver /Mountcollyer Street site

At a recent internal review the NIHE agreed that they would include the Mileriver/Mountcollyer Street site in their EA programme, to declare surplus, with a view to disposing via open market sale.

Other Projects

Former Grove Primary School site, North Queen Street

Grove PS site has been included on the Social Housing Development Programme for 24 units.  NIHE is continuing to work with Grove and Choice Housing to agree the housing mix to be supported for the site.  A number of households requiring bungalows have been identified and their OT has provided the necessary form.  Once the final number of bungalows required has been agreed, the mix of house sizes and numbers will be confirmed. On site development is now likely to be during the 2021/22 financial year. 

Hallidays Road site (208-212 Limestone Road)

The NIHE has engaged in discussions with Apex Housing and an initial draft design was produced.  Further engagement with local political/community representatives will be taken forward when this can be facilitated within current PHA guidelines.

Environmental Improvements

The street lighting scheme including Greenmount Place/Glenrosa Link went on site in January 2020 and completed in March 2020.

Sunshine Playgroup Sensory Garden and rendering work at housing on Halliday’s Road completed on site in summer 2019.

Feasibility Studies (no further funding from BSC)

Youth Provision at Grove Masterplan Site

This scheme is now in planning and working its way through the system - this has been significantly slowed due to ongoing operational issues.  BCC hope to receive approval shortly.  The group are engaging with partners with regards to ongoing revenue funding. 

Planning Reference: LA04/2020/0798/F


Wraparound school proposals at Mountcollyer Resource Centre (Currie PS)

DfC’s Community Empowerment Division are funding the £144k refurbishment of the Mountcollyer Resource Centre.  The work is progressing and expectation is that it will be completed by the end of this financial year.

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