Active Ageing Strategy 2016-2022

Date published: 26 January 2016

Last updated: 19 November 2020

The Active Ageing Strategy 2016-2022 is to transform attitudes to, and services for, older people.  It aims to increase the understanding of the issues affecting older people and promote an emphasis on rights, value and contribution.

As this is a Strategy of the Executive, a range of departments contribute to its delivery and to the improvement of services for older people.  All Strategy outcomes contribute to draft Programme for Government Indicator 49 – “the confidence of people over 60 years old as measured by self-efficacy”.

The outcomes of the Strategy are informed by the five themes of the United Nations Principles for Older Persons. The themes are:

  • Independence
  • Participation
  • Care
  • Self-fulfilment
  • Dignity

Note this is the revised and updated version of the Strategy.  Copies of the Strategy as originally published in 2016 are available on request from the Active Ageing Strategy Team.

The Active Ageing Strategy 2016-2021 screening document is also available.

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