Vacancies in Northern Ireland, statistics from 2001 to 2006
Date published:
Statistics are presented for vacancies which have been notified to JobCentres/Jobs & Benefits Offices of the Department for Employment and Learning (DEL).
Annual statistics for the total number of vacancies notified by employers from 2001 to 2006 are presented. Employers may subsequently amend the original amount by adding or cancelling vacancies. The reported statistics do not take into account such amendments. The vacancies are classified by Standard Occupational Classification 2000 (SOC2000), JobCentres/Jobs & Benefits Offices, Local Government District, Parliamentary Constituency, Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation Measure 2005 (NIMDM2005).
- Vacancy statistics cover page October 2007
- Vacancy Statistics Table A, SOC, October 2007
- Vacancy Statistics Table B, JobCentre/Jobs and Benefits Office, October 2007
- Vacancy Statistics Table C, Local Government District, October 2007
- Vacancy Statistics Table D, Parliamentary Constitency, October 2007
- Vacancy Statistics Table E, NI Multiple Deprevation Measure 2008, October 2007
- Vacancy Statistics Table F, SOC/JobCentre/Jobs and Benefits Office, October 2007
- Vacancy Statistics Table G, SOC and Local Government District, October 2007
- Vacancy Statistics Table H, SOC and Parliamentary Constituency, October 2007
- Vacancy Statistics Table I, SOC and the Multile Deprevation Measure 2008, October 2007