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2098 publications

The Pensions Act 2004 established, on a UK-wide basis, the Pensions Regulator (the ‘Regulator’) to protect the benefits of members of work-based pensions, reduce the risk of situations arising which may result in calls on the Pension Protection Fund and promote and

Published 07 September 2021Legislation and regulations

The policy is the new DfC Business Plan for the period October 2020 to March 2022.  The Business Plan is the vehicle through which the Department’s Strategy will be delivered and monitored.

Published 06 September 2021Business plans

Gambling in Northern Ireland is regulated under the Betting, Gaming, Lotteries and Amusements (NI) Order 1985 (The 1985 Order).

Published 06 September 2021Legislation and regulations

Universal Credit Statistics - May 2021

Universal Credit is a new payment to help support households that are out of work or are on a low income. Universal Credit was introduced in Northern Ireland on a phased geographical basis from 27 September 2017.

Published 25 August 2021Statistical reports

Benefit Cap Statistics - May 2021

The Benefit Cap is a limit on the total amount of benefit that working-age people can receive. From 31 May 2016, the amount a household could receive in benefit income was limited to £26,000 per annum.

Published 25 August 2021Statistical reports

Benefits Statistics Summary Publication (National Statistics) - May 2021

The Benefits Statistics Summary is released quarterly in the last week of February, May, August and November.

Published 25 August 2021Statistical reports

Personal Independence Payment Statistics - May 2021

Personal Independence Payment (PIP) is a new benefit replacing Disability Living Allowance (DLA) for people aged between 16 to 64 years. PIP and DLA cannot be claimed at the same time. PSU have compiled statistics on the following within PIP:

Published 25 August 2021Statistical reports

The overall aim of the Belfast Streets Ahead programme is to maximise the potential of the city centre’s public realm to position Belfast as a premier European regional capital and the primary retail and leisure destination in Northern Ireland.

Published 23 August 2021Legislation and regulations

The Conservation Principles guidance sets out a best practice conservation framework for all aspects of decision making affecting our historic environment.

Published 20 August 2021Guidance literature

As part of the Department’s work to implement Fresh Start policy the DfC Fresh Start team is working with Waterside Neighbourhood Partnership, to deliver a community based education and action citizen programme aimed at young adults who feel disconnected from their commu

Published 20 August 2021Guidance literature

DfC Business Plan 2020/22

This Department for Communities’ Business Plan 2020-22 has been approved by the Departmental Management Board.  This Business Plan covers an 18 month period from October 2020 to March 2022.  It sets out the steps that the Departmen

Published 18 August 2021Business plans

As part of the Department’s work to implement Fresh Start policy the DfC Fresh Start team is working with Shantallow Community Residents Association (SCRA), to deliver a programme which aims to reduce antisocial behaviour, violence, crime and lawlessness associated with

Published 17 August 2021Development plan/framework

The Scheme of Emergency Financial Assistance (SEFA) is designed to aid individual householders who have suffered severe inconvenience as a result of internal flooding to their properties.

Published 06 August 2021Circulars

Households below Average Income Northern Ireland 2019/20

The households below average income report for Northern Ireland 2019-20 was released on 5 August 2021. This covers the period pre COVID-19. The proposed date of next publication will be Summer 2022.

Published 05 August 2021Statistical reports

The Department requests information from councils at the end of each Quarter on the processing of invoices as detailed in the circular LG 19/2016 Prompt Payment Guidance.

Published 04 August 2021Financial plans and reports

This Corporate Governance Framework sets out the arrangements which have been established to ensure the proper and effective management of the Department for Communities (DfC). 

Published 03 August 2021Corporate reports

Office of the Discretionary Support Commissioner - Annual Report 2020 - 2021

Discretionary Support is administered by the Department for Communities (the Department). The Welfare Reform (Northern Ireland) Order 2015 makes provision for the Department to make payments by way of grant or loan to prescribed persons.

Published 02 August 2021Corporate reports

These financial statements relate to the Charitable Donations & Bequests Accounts detailing receipts and payments for the financial year 2019.

Published 01 August 2021Financial plans and reports

Steps 2 Success Statistical Bulletin - October 2014 to September 2020

The Steps 2 Success (S2S) Statistical Bulletin provides key statistical information for the Steps 2 Success programme.

Published 29 July 2021Statistical reports

Vacancies: Statistical Factsheet July 2021

This Statistical Fact Sheet, which is published three times a year (along with a more detailed annual bulletin), presents key information on employment vacancies which have been notified to the Department for Communities (DfC).

Published 28 July 2021Statistical reports

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