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2098 publications

The Social Security Revaluation of Earnings Factors Order (Northern Ireland) 2021 specifies the percentage by which earnings factors are to be re-valued. This ensures that the earnings upon which the Additional Pension is calculated are always expressed in current terms.

Published 12 March 2021Legislation and regulations

Section 170 of the Pension Schemes (Northern Ireland) Act 1993 allows for the administration costs of the Pensions Regulator and the Pensions Ombudsman, and in part the Money and Pensions Service to be recovered by means of an annual general levy on occupational and personal p

Published 11 March 2021Legislation and regulations

Northern Ireland Homelessness Bulletin July - December 2020

The Northern Ireland Homelessness bulletin is a biannual publication which contains information on a range of areas relating to homelessness.

Published 11 March 2021Statistical reports

Northern Ireland Child Maintenance Service Statistics: Data to December 2020 (experimental)

This quarterly publication provides an overview on the performance of the Child Maintenance Service in Northern Ireland. This publication contains information up to the quarter ending December 2020.

Published 10 March 2021Statistical reports

The Local Government Circular 07/2021 provides a set of consolidated guidance on councillor allowances.

Published 09 March 2021Circulars

This Order specifies the percentage by which the guaranteed minimum pension element of an individual’s occupational pension entitlement is increased with effect from 6th April 2021 (a person could accrue a guaranteed minimum pension in a contracted-out occupational pensi

Published 05 March 2021Legislation and regulations

Report from the Disability Strategy Expert Advisory Panel

In line with commitments made under ‘New Decade, New Approach’, the Executive has agreed to the development of a suite of Social Inclusion Strategies: Anti-Poverty; Disability; Gender Equality and Sexual Orientation.

Published 05 March 2021Independent reports

Report from the Gender Equality Strategy Expert Advisory Panel

In line with commitments made under ‘New Decade, New Approach’, the Executive has agreed to the development of a suite of Social Inclusion Strategies: Anti-Poverty; Disability; Gender Equality and Sexual Orientation.

Published 05 March 2021Independent reports

Report from the Anti-Poverty Strategy Expert Advisory Panel

In line with commitments made under ‘New Decade, New Approach’, the Executive has agreed to the development of a suite of Social Inclusion Strategies: Anti-Poverty; Disability; Gender Equality and Sexual Orientation.

Published 05 March 2021Independent reports

Report from the Sexual Orientation Strategy Expert Advisory Panel

In line with commitments made under ‘New Decade, New Approach’, the Executive has agreed to the development of a suite of Social Inclusion Strategies: Anti-Poverty; Disability; Gender Equality and Sexual Orientation.

Published 05 March 2021Independent reports

This circular is to advise of a change in the designation of the Local Government Auditor under Article 4 of the amended Local Government (Northern Ireland) Order 2005

Published 03 March 2021Circulars

Social security benefits,pensions and lump sum payments in Northern Ireland (NI) are generally maintained in parity with Great Britain (GB).

Published 25 February 2021Legislation and regulations

Northern Ireland Housing Bulletin October - December 2020

The Northern Ireland Housing Bulletin is a quarterly bulletin containing information on new housing starts and completions, homelessness, the NI House Price Index and new house sales and prices.

Published 25 February 2021Statistical reports

Benefits Statistics Summary Publication (National Statistics) - November 2020

The Benefits Statistics Summary is released quarterly in the last week of February, May, August and November.

Published 24 February 2021Statistical reports

Universal Credit Statistics - November 2020

Universal Credit is a new payment to help support households that are out of work or are on a low income. Universal Credit was introduced in Northern Ireland on a phased geographical basis from 27 September 2017.

Published 24 February 2021Statistical reports

Benefit Cap Statistics - November 2020

The Benefit Cap is a limit on the total amount of benefit that working-age people can receive. From 31 May 2016, the amount a household could receive in benefit income was limited to £26,000 per annum.

Published 24 February 2021Statistical reports

The Scheme of Emergency Financial Assistance (SEFA) is designed to aid individual householders who have suffered severe inconvenience as a result of internal flooding to their properties.

Published 24 February 2021Circulars

Personal Independence Payment Statistics - November 2020

Personal Independence Payment (PIP) is a new benefit replacing Disability Living Allowance (DLA) for people aged between 16 to 64 years. PIP and DLA cannot be claimed at the same time. PSU have compiled statistics on the following within PIP:

Published 24 February 2021Statistical reports

The Pensions Act 2004 set up the Pension Protection Fund, on a UK-wide basis, to provide compensation for members of eligible occupational pension schemes, where the sponsoring employer is insolvent and the scheme has insufficient assets to pay benefits at Fund compensation le

Published 18 February 2021Legislation and regulations

This short publication is intended to help listed building owners, custodians and the general public understand the term ‘de-listing’.

Published 12 February 2021Guidance literature

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