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2098 publications

Adaptations Guide forms

Published 21 October 2016Guidance literature

Band 4 - Advance Land Purchase - Guidance on ALP payment stages amended.

Published 21 October 2016Guidance literature

Revision of Scheme Approval forms / Calculating Grant Forms / Adaptations Guide Forms & Adaptation Tables

Published 21 October 2016Guidance literature

Governance Guide - forms

Published 21 October 2016Guidance literature

The aim of this technical note is to provide information to historic building owners who need to secure their buildings from unauthorized access whilst they are unoccupied or awaiting repairs.

Published 20 October 2016Guidance literature

An amended Project Information Form (PIF) is required which will assist in the future data capture of New Build Tender withdrawals for each SHDP.

Published 18 October 2016Guidance literature

Details of the changes to the law regulating the sale and supply of alcohol in Northern Ireland contained in the Liquor Licensing and Registration of Clubs (Amendment) Bill.

Published 12 October 2016Legislation and regulations

Revised guidance about Key thresholds and requirements.

Published 11 October 2016Guidance literature

DSD Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2016.

Published 04 October 2016Financial plans and reports

This booklet provides information on Universal Credit and the potential impacts on the population of Northern Ireland. It draws together analysis undertaken by Analytical Services Unit and other parts of the Department, to provide an evidence base for the changes.

Published 21 September 2016Policy papers

These memos contain advice for decision makers on Universal Credit, Personal Independence Payment, new style Jobseeker’s Allowance and new style Employment and Support Allowance.

Published 15 September 2016Guidance literature

HB Memos contain further guidance on the interpretation of legislation to Housing Benefit and should be read in conjunction with the Housing Benefit Decision Makers Guide.

Published 13 September 2016Guidance literature

Revised guidance about the Buy Social Construction Model under the Sustainable procurement in construction section.

Published 13 September 2016Guidance literature

Minister for Communities Paul Givan has officially launched the Department’s new 3 Year Plan for Improving the Uptake of Benefits entitled Supporting People – Maximising Income through the Uptake of Benefits.

Published 07 September 2016Guidance literature

The purpose of the Banbridge Masterplan is to set out the vision and associated action plan for the next 15 years for Banbridge Town Centre.

Published 01 September 2016Development plan/framework

This Regulatory Impact Assessment considers changes to the timetable for the phasing in of increases in minimum automatic enrolment contributions, currently due to take place in October 2017 and October 2018.

Published 01 September 2016Impact assessments

The Benefits Statistics Summary is released quarterly in the last week of February, May, August and November.

Published 31 August 2016Statistical reports

Local Councils prompt payments report for quarter ending June 2016

Published 05 August 2016Financial plans and reports

The minutes of each Department Management Board (DMB) will be available once they have been ratified. A copy of the ratified minutes are attached. 

Published 29 July 2016Agendas and minutes

This Statistical Fact Sheet, which is published three times a year (along with a more detailed annual bulletin), presents key information on job vacancies which have been notified to the Department for Communities (DfC) JobCentre/Jobs and Benefits offices (J&Bos)

Published 27 July 2016Statistical reports

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