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2098 publications

When a person changes jobs they also leave their employer’s pension scheme.  An employee can ask to have their pension rights transferred to the new scheme.

Published 08 December 2022Legislation and regulations

This report gives detailed information on progress of the standard of decision making within the Child Maintenance Service.

Published 08 December 2022Corporate reports

The Order specifies the percentage by which new State Pension debits and credits are to be re-valued.  This ensures that the value of any pension debit or credit as a result of pension sharing on divorce is always expressed in current terms.

Published 07 December 2022Statistical reports

This Statutory Rule is a technical Order giving effect to a statutory requirement to specify the percentage that will be used to revalue the “protected payment” element of a new State Pension for persons who reach State Pension age on or after 11 April 2023.

Published 07 December 2022Impact assessments

A study on factors that enable or constrain take-up of Pension Credit

This project details the findings of a research study into pensioners not claiming Pension Credit. It was undertaken as part of the Department’s Economic and Social Research Programme 2021/22 and conducted in two stages. Stage one

Published 01 December 2022Statistical reports

Benefits Statistics Summary Publication (National Statistics) - August 2022

The Benefits Statistics Summary is released quarterly in the last week of February, May, August and November.

Published 30 November 2022Statistical reports

Universal Credit Statistics - August 2022

Universal Credit is a new payment to help support households that are out of work or are on a low income. Universal Credit was introduced in Northern Ireland on a phased geographical basis from 27 September 2017.

Published 30 November 2022Statistical reports

The Economic and Social Research Review aims to capture and disseminate key economic and social research relevant to the Department’s policy agenda to inform evidence-based policy making.

Published 30 November 2022Statistical reports

Benefit Cap Statistics - August 2022

The Benefit Cap is a limit on the total amount of benefit that working-age people can receive. From 31 May 2016, the amount a household could receive in benefit income was limited to £26,000 per annum.

Published 30 November 2022Statistical reports

Personal Independence Payment Statistics - August 2022

Personal Independence Payment (PIP) is a new benefit replacing Disability Living Allowance (DLA) for people aged between 16 to 64 years. PIP and DLA cannot be claimed at the same time. PSU have compiled statistics on the following within PIP:

Published 30 November 2022Statistical reports

This helpful guide will provide you with visitor information for Carrickfergus Castle.

Published 25 November 2022Guidance literature

Constable Ronald has asked for your help today. Can you help him find all the items on his checklist as you make your way through Carrickfergus Castle?

Published 25 November 2022Promotional material

Northern Ireland Housing Bulletin July - September 2022

The Northern Ireland Housing Bulletin is a quarterly bulletin containing information on new housing starts and completions, homelessness, the NI House Price Index and new house sales and prices.

Published 24 November 2022Statistical reports

The Scheme of Emergency Financial Assistance (SEFA) is designed to aid individual householders who have suffered severe inconvenience as a result of internal flooding to their properties.

Published 23 November 2022Circulars

This report contains a detailed balance sheet and statement of income and expenditure for the Northern Ireland Central Investment Fund for Charities 2021.

Published 23 November 2022Corporate reports

The Department for Communities is the sponsor Department for Sport Northern Ireland (Sport NI). Working together, they have agreed to set out the partnership arrangements between them.

Published 17 November 2022Contract management

Article 3 and Schedule 1 to the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Northern Ireland) Order 1985, as amended by Article 52 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Northern Ireland) Order 1992, make provision that certain specified entertainments shall not

Published 16 November 2022Circulars

Improvements have been made to the Social Fund Budgeting Loans process. The improved process allows you to receive telephone communication about your loan decision as well as receiving a loan decision by letter.

Published 10 November 2022Promotional material

The Department is seeking a development proposal for a site in Irish Street, Downpatrick.  It is located within Downpatrick town centre and sits adjacent to the Primary Retail Core.

Published 31 October 2022Legislation and regulations

In accordance with section 146(5) and (6) of the Social Security Administration (Northern Ireland) Act 1992, the Department is required to prepare an annual report on the operation of the Social Fund and to lay the report before the Assembly.

Published 28 October 2022Corporate reports

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