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2098 publications

The Erne Campus is the first Passive House Premium project in the UK and the largest passive house premium building in the world.

Published 28 February 2022Independent reports

Northern Ireland Housing Bulletin October - December 2021

The Northern Ireland Housing Bulletin is a quarterly bulletin containing information on new housing starts and completions, homelessness, the NI House Price Index and new house sales and prices.

Published 24 February 2022Statistical reports

Notice is hereby given that a large barge will be working alongside the wall at Tennants Textiles from 22 February for a period of two weeks. The barge is carrying out ground investigations in connection with the Belfast Tidal Project.

Published 23 February 2022Maps

Universal Credit Statistics - November 2021

Universal Credit is a new payment to help support households that are out of work or are on a low income. Universal Credit was introduced in Northern Ireland on a phased geographical basis from 27 September 2017.

Published 23 February 2022Statistical reports

Benefit Cap Statistics - November 2021

The Benefit Cap is a limit on the total amount of benefit that working-age people can receive. From 31 May 2016, the amount a household could receive in benefit income was limited to £26,000 per annum.

Published 23 February 2022Statistical reports

This Regulatory Impact Assessment considers the impact of imposing requirements on trustees of certain occupational pension schemes to ensure that there is effective governance of those schemes with respect to the effects of climate change, along with related reporting and pub

Published 23 February 2022Impact assessments

Benefits Statistics Summary Publication (National Statistics) - November 2021

The Benefits Statistics Summary is released quarterly in the last week of February, May, August and November.

Published 23 February 2022Statistical reports

Personal Independence Payment Statistics - November 2021

Personal Independence Payment (PIP) is a new benefit replacing Disability Living Allowance (DLA) for people aged between 16 to 64 years. PIP and DLA cannot be claimed at the same time. PSU have compiled statistics on the following within PIP:

Published 23 February 2022Statistical reports

These financial statements relate to the Charitable Donations & Bequests Accounts detailing receipts and payments for the financial year 2020.

Published 22 February 2022Corporate reports

The Scheme of Emergency Financial Assistance (SEFA) is designed to aid individual householders who have suffered severe inconvenience as a result of internal flooding to their properties.

Published 21 February 2022Circulars

These memos contain advice for decision makers on Universal Credit, Personal Independence Payment, new style Jobseeker’s Allowance and new style Employment and Support Allowance.

Published 03 February 2022Guidance literature

One of the basic conditions a person must meet to be eligible for Universal Credit (UC) is that they must not be “receiving education”. However, there are some exceptions to this and one is for disabled students.

Published 02 February 2022Legislation and regulations

The Model Terms, Conditions and Restrictions which may be specified in entertainments licences by councils has been revised and the following document replaces the previous guidance on this subject published by the then Department of the Environment.

Published 01 February 2022Circulars

King’s Stables and Navan Fort Risk Assessments and Surveys

Published 31 January 2022FOI/EIR responses

MOU -  Support Arrangements for People with No Recourse to Public Funds during Covid-19

Published 31 January 2022FOI/EIR responses

National Lottery Heritage Fund

Published 31 January 2022FOI/EIR responses

New Belfast Housing Area Names

Published 31 January 2022FOI/EIR responses

Goward Dolmen ( Finn's Finger Stone/Pat Kearney's Big Stone ) HERoNI Records

Published 31 January 2022FOI/EIR responses

IFA & GAA Funding

Published 31 January 2022FOI/EIR responses

The (budget) policy is trying to meet the challenge of the Department operating within their current spending limits while delivering services and meeting objectives.

Published 31 January 2022Legislation and regulations

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